The diagnosis and treatment of acne
Acne is a common skin condition characterized initially by pimples, painful red spots, blackheads, facial redness, and sometimes large, painful cysts. Later, patients can be left with scars, uneven pigmentation, and an uneven complexion after their acne has subsided or been treated. Although acne is commonly associated with teenagers, anyone from any group can be affected. Dr. Melanie Adams is a board-certified dermatologist in the community of Columbia, Maryland, who works with her patients to help them treat their acne while providing acne prevention tips to keep their condition under control for several years. She is skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of acne.
What causes acne?
A combination of plugged hair follicles, inflammation, and dead skin cells causes acne. It can also flare due to changes in hormones, which is why it is often associated with teenagers during the time in which their hormones fluctuate dramatically. Women may also notice a flareup in acne before or during their periods, making it easier to plan when acne may develop.
How is acne treated?
Whether you have whiteheads, blackheads, or painful cysts, Dr. Adams has a variety of solutions that she can match to your lifestyle and budget. Once you have undergone an initial evaluation at her practice, she can make safe acne solutions and treatment recommendations for the type of acne you have and the severity of it. With professional acne treatments, many patients are able to see results faster than they have with previous over-the-counter drugstore treatments more readily available to them.
Some of the more common acne treatments include:
- Topical creams
- Antibiotics
- Oral medications
- Laser or light facials
- Chemical peels
How do I find safe acne solutions for my skin?
Working with a dermatologist is the first step in getting a definitive diagnosis and discussing professional acne treatment options. Call the office of Melanie L. Adams, M.D. P.A., at (410) 910-2366 to request an evaluation at 10700 Charter Drive, Suite #320. Her office serves patients in the surrounding counties of Howard, Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Montgomery, and District of Columbia.